Dawn Van Kleeck

Healing is in the Alchemy of Your Own Heart

The Law of Attraction is at the heart of the art of healing. Your mind and body are already equipped with the power to self-heal. All you need is an environment for transformative healing and an intuitive and empathic professional to put you in touch with your inner strength.

Reiki Master, Crystal Healing Practitioner, & Healing Guide

Your Energy Magnetizes Matter & Creates a Reality

Both matter & energy are intertwining threads in the woven tapestry of the Universe. Your tangible reality is subject to, and foundational upon, the surrounding energy. And, all physical manifestations are born from the union & synchronization of resonant energies.

Empathic Attunement to Raise Your Frequency

This story called life is thick with stressful and anxiety producing circumstances. Even the strongest of us find ourselves on our knees from time to time, overwhelmed by heart-ache and loss. 

When we lose that resonant pitch of high frequency energy, we feel lost… isolated, cut off from ourselves and from hope. Often times, what’s needed is the healing vibration of another who is attuned to the intuitive frequency of magnetic manifestation.  

A healing touch:

  • with the knowledge of how energy flows and functions,

  • that gives gentle guidance and restores the connection to your own intuition and inner strength,

  • with a mission to help you become who you were born to be.

“Frequencies that resonate at a similar vibration are magnetized together” -Christy Whittman on ‘The Law of Attraction’

Your Self-Care Routine Should Include Being Cared For

Dawn's professional path has always been driven by a profound desire to care for others. She is known for an expert ability to craft a calming & nurturing ambiance in which you can fully engage peace and reach clarity. Her sessions facilitate deep meditative states which encourage meaningful visions and the emotional reflection & release that your soul has been needing.

Dawn's Vision for Collective Care & Healing

“Through the fusion of gentle touch Reiki energy transfer and the unique frequencies of various crystals, I aim to create a synergistic approach that magnifies relaxation, melts stress, and fortifies an holistic well-being. By fostering a meditative state fully supporting the body's natural healing processes, I empower the client to release inhibiting energies and open to regeneration & rejuvenation.”

 “I help others to see the beauty within and to appreciate perfection in the imperfections.”

As a spiritually self-aware being, you are not on this path alone. Balancing emotions, energetic frequencies, and creative endeavors is no easy task. Finding an aligned spirit to walk alongside you is essential to your growth & potential.

Be Balanced & Restored: Return to Your Natural Self-Healing State.

Find Your Happy Healing Place!

During a Crystal Reiki Session with Dawn you’ll be met with open-hearted communication from the moment you arrive.

She'll ask you a few compassionate questions to better understand your needs & goals for healing and you'll be invited to ask your own questions regarding the session. 

Dawn will first cleanse the room with her hand-crafted Empath Cleansing Mist and your healing session will begin with deep, relaxing breaths & aromatherapy oils. A guided grounding meditation may be provided.

Dawn will place various healing crystals upon the body & Reiki hand placements upon or just over the body throughout the session. Restoration can be enhanced with various healing sound equipment such as; singing bowls, chimes, drums, or tuning forks - determinant upon your specific energetic needs.  

During the session, Dawn will silently channel healing energy, occasionally asking an intuitively inspired question to guide the session or provide insight.

Guests are encouraged to ask questions at any time during the healing. Dawn welcomes you to share your thoughts and feelings as they arise, and to express any discomfort you may be experiencing.

Your experience will conclude with a final briefing in which you are encouraged to share any visions, epiphanies, ideas, or emotions that may have surfaced during your session. This feedback is valuable to Dawn and her ability to suggest for your ongoing development self-care tools and techniques that can empower your self-healing story.

Here’s What Happens in a Session…

What to Expect in a Chakra Tune-up Session

  • This is a brief Chakra Tune-Up mini session.

    During this session we will focus on clearing and rebalancing the chakra system with the assistance of crystals, reiki energy and the soothing vibrations of sound. Allow me to guide you on a journey towards inner peace, healing, and self-discovery.

Chakra Tune-up Energy Healing

What to Expect in a Crystal Reiki Energy Healing Session

  • Find solace, restoration, and overall well-being with this in-depth Crystal Reiki Energy Healing session. This intuitive and personalized session combines the power of Reiki healing with the amplifying properties of crystals.

    Additionally, aromatherapy and soothing vibrations of sound are incorporated to help deepen healing and the experience.

    Be guided on a journey towards inner peace, healing, and self-discovery.

Crystal Reiki Energy Healing

 Dawn works with multiple modalities to assist in restoration, and an overall experience of well-being. Your session with Dawn will be uniquely attuned to your individual needs and healing goals. Dawn’s crystal Reiki healing sessions bring solace with the incorporation of crystal energy, aroma therapy, sound, and energy healing. 

Dawn is a Licensed Esthetician, Reiki Master, Crystal Healer, and Jewelry Artist. Reiki training and practice has brought Dawn closer to herself and has been the catalyst to propel her into her power as a crystal healer. 

At her core, Dawn has a purpose to adorn this experience of life with beauty and art, as well as to embody a heart of bliss and beauty! 

Dawn is an artist and a crafter at heart, her artistic passions include jewelry making, crafting of all sorts, and sound healing. 

About Dawn..

A free-spirited and fun loving practitioner who loves to pamper her guests!

Instagram: HeartistAlchemy

Facebook: HeartistAlchemy