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Intuitive Readings -Jeanne Sedona

In this intuitive reading, Jeanne will read your energy and emotional fields as she connects with your higher self (soul), Angels, and Spirit Guides. As a highly accurate Psychic Intuitive Counselor Jeanne may incorporate additional modalities of past lives, mediumship, or identify and clear unhealthy and repetitive behavior patterns.

Clairvoyant reading sessions are channeled messages from Spirit to:

  • Gain deep insights and clarity into personal and spiritual matters.

  • Discover potential future possibilities that align with your highest path.

  • Connect with loved ones from the past and present, receiving messages that you are ready to hear.

  • Elevate your energy to a higher frequency, tapping into the vibrational wisdom of the universe.

April 27

Aviana- Tarot Readings

May 11

Intuitive Readings - Shae Moyers