
inHarmony Memberships

  • Recurring monthly membership

  • Cancel any time / No Contract

  • Unused minutes rollover for future use

  • Add-on practitioner services

How do I use my membership for sessions?

Signup online for an appointment time on the “Book a Session” page, you will be prompted for your membership code or email at checkout. Minutes are deducted from your account based on the length of session you choose. Unused minutes roll over and accumulate in your account!

What to expect in your inHarmony Sound Session: 

  1. The selected frequency chosen at time of reservation for your sound session will be conveniently set upon your arrival time.

  2. You have the option to change this frequency and sound setting during your pre-session preparation window.

  3. Before beginning your session, an attendant will ensure your maximum comfort on the bed.

  4. Your sound & frequency experience will then begin and the attendant will leave you to luxuriate in our calm, private healing room.

  5. Upon completion of your session, you will have an allotment of time for silent re-integration and reflection before exiting the healing room.

Contraindications: As with many holistic modalities, extensive research for potential health concerns or cautions has yet to be conducted. Anyone with a pace maker, with epilepsy, or who is pregnant; we ask that you please use caution and your own judgement.